Member Details

Company Name:   M/S lifecare Surgicals
Type of company:
»   Medical Device Manufacturer
»   Users and Clinician
»   IMDRRG Member
Primary contact information Alternate contact information
Name:   Lifecare Surgicals Name:   Raja Sekhar Vedala
Designation:   Designation:  
Address:   Industrial Estate,AutoNagar, Nuzvid Krishna District. Address:   Industrial Estate, AutoNagar, Nuzvid Krishna District.
Town:   Nuzvidu Town:   Nuzvidu
State:   Andhra Pradesh State:   Andhra Pradesh
PIN Code:   521201 PIN Code:   521201
Tel. No:   919848015568 Tel. No:   9494115759
Fax No:   Fax No:  
Website: Website:
Members Details
Product Class:  
ISO 13485 Certification:   Issued by:
CE MARK:   Issued by: BIQS
ICMED Certification:   Issued by:
Manufacturing License:   Issued by: CDSCO
Free Sale Certificate MOH:   Free Sale Certificate DGFT:  
Year of incorporation:   2017 No. of Employees:   15
List of Products Manufactured in India
»   Disposables( HSNCode: 90183220)
     »  Cannulae( HSNCode: 90183930)
     »  Syringes, W/N With Needles( HSNCode: 90183100)
     »  Blood transfusion apparatus( HSNCode: 90189032)
     »  Others( HSNCode: 90183990)
»   Medical Disposables I.V Set, B.T Set, Syringes, Gloves, Mask etc