Member Details

Company Name:   Krypton Industries Limited
Type of company:
»   Medical Device Manufacturer
»   Exporter
AIMED Primary Member
»   Primary Member (Medical Device Manufacturer)
Primary contact information Alternate contact information
Name:   Digvijay Singh Bardia Name:   Sunil Jain
Designation:   Executive Director Designation:   Business Head - Rehab Aids
Address:   BD-365, Sector-1, Salt Lake Address:   Lily-10D, Purti Flowers, Budge Budge Trunk Road, jal kal more, Maheshtala, Taratala
Town:   Kolkata Town:   Kolkata
State:   West Bengal State:   West Bengal
PIN Code:   700064 PIN Code:   700141
Tel. No:   03340634575 Tel. No:   03340634575
Fax No:   Fax No:  
Website: Website:
Members Details
Product Class:   A
ISO 13485 Certification:   Yes Issued by: United Registrar of Systems
CE MARK:   No Issued by:
ICMED Certification:   No Issued by:
Manufacturing License:   Yes Issued by: Govt. of West Bengal
Free Sale Certificate MOH:   No Free Sale Certificate DGFT:   Yes
Year of incorporation:   1990 No. of Employees:   160
List of Products Manufactured in India
     »  Transport vehicles for those with handicaps( HSNCode: )
     »  Walking and mobility aids( HSNCode: )
     »  Rehabilitation equipment and devices( HSNCode: )
     »  Wheelchairs( HSNCode: )
     »  Occupational therapy equipment( HSNCode: )
     »  Physiotherapeutic mobility aids( HSNCode: )