Member Details

Company Name:   Korazon Medical Devices Pvt Ltd
Type of company:
»   Medical Device Manufacturer
AIMED Primary Member
»   Primary Member (Medical Device Manufacturer)
Primary contact information Alternate contact information
Name:   Vikas Kumar Pandey Name:   Kundan Kumar
Designation:   Director Designation:   National Sales Manager
Address:   Plot No.4, B-Block, Sarwar Kheda, Moradabad Road, 3.5 km Stone, Kashipur (U.S. Nagar) Uttarakhand - 244713 Address:   77A, Block N , 201 1st Floor , Gurudwara Road , Mohan Garden Uttam Nagar
Town:   Kashipur Town:   New Delhi
State:   Uttarakhand State:   Delhi
PIN Code:   244713 PIN Code:   110059
Tel. No:   Tel. No:  
Fax No:   Fax No:  
Website: Website:
Members Details
Product Class:   C
ISO 13485 Certification:   Yes Issued by: tnv certificates pvt ltd
CE MARK:   No Issued by:
ICMED Certification:   No Issued by:
Manufacturing License:   Yes Issued by: cdsco
Free Sale Certificate MOH:   Yes Free Sale Certificate DGFT:   Yes
Year of incorporation:   2022 No. of Employees:   40
List of Products Manufactured in India
»   Consumables
     »  OTHER DRESSING ARTICLES N.E.S. ( HSNCode: 30059090)