Member Details

Company Name:   Association of Tamil Nadu Medical Device Industry
Type of company:
»   Association
AiMeD Associate Member
»   Industry, Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Councils, Medical, Healthcare Associations etc.
Primary contact information Alternate contact information
Name:   Jayasing Name:  
Designation:   Coordinator Designation:  
Address:   No.3, Anna street, Padikuppam Address:  
Town:   chennai Town:  
State:   Tamil Nadu State:  
PIN Code:   600107 PIN Code:  
Tel. No:   Tel. No:  
Fax No:   Fax No:  
Website:   Website:  
Members Details
Product Class:   None
ISO 13485 Certification:   No Issued by:
CE MARK:   No Issued by:
ICMED Certification:   No Issued by:
Manufacturing License:   No Issued by:
Free Sale Certificate MOH:   No Free Sale Certificate DGFT:   No
Year of incorporation:   2023 No. of Employees:   4
Product Specialization